[The nomination process is now closed - thank you for your nominations!]

Mental health is a serious need and concern for many of us, particularly during the difficult times of this pandemic. And we want to help.RootedGood is not an expert in mental health support. But we know that many nonprofit organizations around the country are! So we want to help them -- help all of us -- with mental health services and support. Providing resources that equip organizations do THEIR best work is what we do best at RootedGood.

This December we are going to be giving away 20 Mission Possible games to non-profits doing work to support mental health so that they can build capacity and make an even greater impact. These organizations will be given Mission Possible to use with their staff teams, board of directors, partners, clients -- whoever and however they would like to grow their capacity.We need your help for this giveaway!

First, please nominate a nonprofit that supports mental health. We will take nominations through the end of November and will select 20 organizations to receive Mission Possible in early December. Any nonprofit in the United States is eligible. You may nominate your own organization or another. You may nominate more than one organization. Winners will be randomly drawn from all organizations nominated by November 30, 2020. Second, will you give a gift of a free Mission Possible game for $350? In addition to general support for our mission, we are specifically raising $7000 to give these games away. Donations of any amount are appreciated and helpful!  You can make a tax-deductible donation here. If you want to direct your donation for this purpose, just make a note in the comment box when making your donation.

Thank you helping to support mental health in this time of crisis.

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